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Students are responsible for full knowledge of the provisions and regulations pertaining to all aspects of their attendance at MSU Denver, and should familiarize themselves with the following policies:
Students returning from a period of absence from MSU Denver may request that credit and grades from designated semesters previously attempted at MSU Denver not be calculated in GPA’s or total earned hours. If such a “Fresh Start” is approved, all courses from designated semesters will appear on the official academic record but will be annotated to indicate they do not count for academic credit or GPA calculation. For more information see the Fresh Start page
Students will be expected to know and observe the MSU Denver regulations regarding Withdrawal (W). It is the student’s responsibility to withdraw from a course. The Withdrawal (W) notation is assigned when a student officially withdraws from a course via the Student Hub after the drop deadline (census date) and before the withdrawal deadline posted in the official academic calendar. Deadlines differ for courses offered during part of a semester, including late-start and weekend courses. Students should refer to the Student Detail Schedule via the Student Hub to review drop and withdrawal deadlines for individual courses. When a student withdraws from a course, no academic credit is awarded. The course remains on the student’s academic record with a “W” notation and counts toward the student’s attempted hours. The course is not calculated in the student’s GPA or quality points. After the withdrawal deadline, students may not withdraw from a course and will be assigned the grade earned based on the course syllabus. A student-initiated withdrawal will appear as an “F” on the student’s academic record in any case of academic misconduct resulting in a permanent “F”.
For your drop/refund or Withdrawal dates logon to your STUDENT HUB account and look at your Student Detail Schedule.
The Administrative Withdrawal (AW) notation is assigned when a student, or representative, requests to be withdrawn from a course due to unforeseen or extenuating circumstances beyond the student’s control. When the “AW” notation is assigned, no academic credit is awarded. The course remains on the student’s academic record with an “AW” notation and counts toward the student’s attempted hours. The course is not calculated in the student’s GPA or quality points.
Students may request an administrative withdrawal from the Office of the Registrar after the drop deadline (census date) posted n the official academic calendar. Deadlines differ proportionally for courses offered during part of a semester, including late-start and weekend courses. Students should refer to the Student Detail Schedule via the Student Hub to review drop deadlines for individual courses.
Although requests are evaluated on a case-by-case basis, examples include the death of an immediate family member or medical emergency, or other life-altering event. The student must provide supporting documentation to substantiate the request.
Students who request an administrative withdrawal may also request a tuition refund by filing an Undergraduate Tuition and Fees Appeal through the Office of the Bursar.
Students should be aware that any kind of withdrawal can have a negative impact on some types of financial aid and scholarships. For further information, go to Keeping Awards/Withdrawals
The Incomplete (I) notation may be assigned when a student, who was achieving satisfactory progress in a course and who had completed most class assignments, is unable to take the final examination and/or did not complete all class assignments due to unusual circumstances such as hospitalization or disability. Incomplete work denoted by the Incomplete “I” notation must be completed within one calendar year or earlier, at the discretion of the faculty member. If the incomplete work is not completed within one year, the “I” notation will convert to an “F.” Students must have completed at least 75% of the course work to qualify for consideration for an incomplete. The student must be passing the course in order to be granted an incomplete. The course counts toward the student’s attempted hours, does not count toward earned hours, and is not calculated in the GPA or quality points until a grade is posted.
Determination of eligibility does not guarantee that an incomplete will be granted. Students who do meet the qualifications may request an incomplete from the faculty member who is teaching the course. The decision to grant an incomplete is up to the faculty member or at the department chair’s discretion. The decision to grant an incomplete as an accommodation based on a student’s disability shall be made by the faculty member or the department chair, if the faculty member is not available, in consultation with the Director of the Access Center.
If an incomplete is granted, the student and instructor should fill out and sign an Incomplete Agreement form to clarify what the student needs to do to complete the course.
Graduating seniors may not graduate with an “I” on their MSU Denver academic record if:
The “I” notation may not be given for a self-paced course. If a student does not complete a self-paced course within the semester that he or she enrolled in the course, he or she must re-enroll in the course in order to complete it.
If a student receives an “I” in an online class, the instructor should contact the Educational Technology Center, whose staff will add the student to the online course roster so that the student will be able to logon to the course. This step must be done by the instructor each semester that the student continues to work on the course.
In order for an “I” to be changed to a letter grade, the incomplete work must be completed for the course for which the student originally registered. The student should NOT re-enroll for the same course, unless intending to retake the entire course. In this case, the student will pay tuition and fees.
A student’s grades for repeated courses will be removed from GPA calculations up to 18 semester hours, regardless of the original grade earned. If a student repeats more than 18 credit hours, the student may designate which of the course grades are removed from GPA calculations (up to 18 semester hours). Only the best grade and its associated credit will be calculated in the GPA and earned hours totals. Other attempts for the course will appear on the official academic record but will be annotated to indicate they do not count for academic credit or GPA calculation. This policy applies only to courses taken at MSU Denver, and it does not apply to courses designated as repeatable toward degree requirements. see also, Best Grade Stands
From the Access Center: “the Access Center leads MSU Denver in maximizing ability and opportunity for equal access by individuals with disabilities. Our staff encourages students with disabilities to visit our office and meet with one of our Accessibility Coordinators to determine reasonable and appropriate accommodations.
We know that it may be personally difficult for students to disclose their disability and ask for help, but friendly and professional staff will ensure the confidentiality of all your disability related information. Our goal is to help minimize the impact of your disability on your learning by providing reasonable accommodations to help you reach your academic potential.
For more information please go to: MSU Denver’s Access Center
As students, faculty, staff and administrators of Metropolitan State University of Denver, it is our responsibility to uphold and maintain an academic environment that furthers scholarly inquiry, creative activity and the application of knowledge. We will not tolerate academic dishonesty. We will demonstrate honesty and integrity in all activities related to our learning and scholarship. We will not plagiarize, fabricate information or data, cheat on tests or exams, steal academic material, or submit work to more than one class without full disclosure.
An act of Academic Dishonesty may lead to sanctions including a reduction in grade, probation, suspension or expulsion. See the Dean of Students website at
Attendance during the first week of class is required. It contributes greatly to teaching and learning. Some departments determine a student’s enrollment in a course based upon attendance during the first week of class. Consult the department for more information about the attendance policy for the class that you are attending. Students who drop classes are financially responsible for those classes in accordance with withdrawal/refund policies.
Students at MSU Denver who, because of their sincerely held religious beliefs, are unable to attend classes, take examinations, participate in graded activities or submit graded assignments on particular days shall without penalty be excused from such classes and be given a meaningful opportunity to make up such examinations and graded activities or assignments provided that advance written notice that the student will be absent for religious reasons is given to the faculty members during the first two weeks of the semester.
Metropolitan State University of Denver prohibits sexual misconduct in any form, including sexual assault or sexual abuse, sexual harassment, and other forms of nonconsensual sexual conduct, including stalking and electronic harassment. Forms of intimate partner violence, including dating violence and domestic violence, are also prohibited under this policy. Students, faculty, staff and visitors, should be able to live, study, and work in an environment free from sexual misconduct. It is the policy of MSU Denver that sexual misconduct in any form will not be excused or tolerated. Retaliation in any form for reporting such sexual misconduct or for cooperating in a sexual misconduct investigation is strictly prohibited and will be addressed as a separate violation of the Student Code of Conduct. This policy is promulgated under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX), 20 U.S.C. §§ 1681 et seq., and its implementing regulations, 34 C.F.R. Part 106; Title IV of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. § 2000c).
For further information, consult:
Electronic communication (i.e., email and personal portal announcements) is a rapid, efficient and cost-effective form of communication. Consequently, reliance on electronic communication is expanding among students, faculty, staff and administration at MSU Denver. Because of this increasing reliance and acceptance of electronic communication, forms of electronic communication have become in fact the means of official communication to students, faculty and staff within MSU Denver. This policy acknowledges this fact and formally makes electronic communication an official means of communication for the University.
Use of MSU Denver email services should follow standards of normal academic and professional ethics, and is governed by University policies and applicable law. Inappropriate use may result in revocation of access to University computing systems, and could result in disciplinary action pursuant to the Student Handbook, Faculty Handbook, and Staff Handbook.
For more details see the Electronic Communication Policy Page.
General Studies is an important part of your degree and makes you a well-educated person. These courses teach you about the world you live in and also provide highly desirable skills for employment. Follow this link to learn about the skills you are learning in each category of General Studies and feel free to use these descriptions in job applications: